Justin T. French, PhD
Big Game Specialist & Research Scientist
Borderlands Research Institute
Sul Ross State University
PO Box C-21
Alpine, TX 79832
RAS 116
Office phone: (432) 837-8505
Email: justin.french@sulross.edu
Dr. Justin French is the Big Game Specialist and Assistant Professor of Natural Resource Management at Borderlands Research Institute. His research focuses on the spatial ecology of pronghorn, mule deer, and bighorn sheep in the Trans-Pecos in order to bolster ongoing restoration efforts for all three species.
Prior to his position with BRI, he graduated in 2012 with a BS in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences from Texas A&M University. During his undergraduate career, Justin was employed by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, where he began his research career evaluating field methods for vegetation sampling. He earned his MS degree from Sul Ross State University in Natural Resource Management in 2015, studying pronghorn foraging ecology. His thesis research examined seasonal diets and nutritional demands of pronghorn in the Trans-Pecos. He completed his PhD in Wildlife and Fisheries Science from Texas A&M University in 2019. His dissertation focused on coyote movement ecology, linking their territorial behavior to population dynamics. This project sheds light on how coyote life history interacts with predator management efforts. His research program seeks to link basic science with practical application in order to develop more robust management strategies. He has a strong interest in movement and population ecology, statistical methods, and applied wildlife management.
Selected Publications
French, J. F., N. J. Silvy, T. A. Campbell, and J. M. Tomecek. 2022. Divergent predator activity muddies the dynamic landscape of fear. Ecosphere. 13:e3927.
French, J. F., H. H. Wang, W. E. Grant, and J. M. Tomecek. 2019. Dynamics of animal joint space use: a novel application of a time-series approach. Movement Ecology. 7:38.
French J. F., R. O’Shaughnessy, L. A. Harveson, B. J. Warnock, and S. S. Gray. 2018. Selection of ecological sites by pronghorn in the Trans-Pecos, Texas. Southwestern Naturalist. 63:96-101.