The Borderlands Research Institute operates as a non-profit organization within Sul Ross State University. In fact, over 90% of the funds used by the Borderlands Research Institute come from external sources including gifts and grants from foundations, corporations, and individuals.
The Institute needs your financial support to continue with and expand our research, education, and outreach programs in natural resource management. Your donation will help ensure that the Borderlands Research Institute will meet its mission of “helping conserve the natural resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Borderlands through research, education, and outreach.”
Specifically, your gift will help support and expand our existing programs including growing our research programs, renovating and upgrading of existing labs, supporting student scholarships and internships, obtaining needed equipment and vehicles, supporting our growing operational expenses, and investing funds in perpetuity for our research programs.
Gifts of any size are appreciated and can be made by cash, check, or credit card (MasterCard, Visa). Donations can be made on our secure server or by mailing in our donation form. We can also facilitate other forms of giving including endowments, gifts of stock, bequests, IRA/401ks, real estate, and pledges that span 2-5 years.
All donors receive our Desert Tracks newsletter and a copy of our annual report. Please take time to fill out the donation forms, as we will acknowledge your gift in our reports and want to ensure that you are recognized properly.

By giving to our endowment fund, your gift will continue to generate income for the Borderlands Research Institute in perpetuity.

Gifts of any size are appreciated and can be made by cash, check, or credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover) online or by mail.

Give for general operating expenses to continue and expand our ability to current research, education, and outreach programs.

Including the BRI in your will or estate plan is a wonderful way to ensure your legacy continues to help our conservation efforts.
Please send your donation form or correspondence directly to:
Louis A. Harveson, Ph.D.
Dan Allen Hughes, Jr., Endowed Director
Borderlands Research Institute
P.O. Box C-21
Sul Ross State University
Alpine, TX 79832
As a growing institution, one of our most critical needs is securing sustained funding to support our programs. General operating expenses are needed to continue and expand our ability to conduct research, educate students, and share management information with land managers. General operating expenses include printing and mailing newsletters and brochures, traveling to conferences or research sites, hosting seminars or workshops, and supporting salaries for clerical staff or researchers.
To ensure that the BRI will continue with its mission, we established our esteemed support group, the BRI Stewardship Program. By enrolling as a Patron ($5,000) or Friend ($1,000) in the BRI Stewardship Program, you will allow us to strengthen and broaden our current research, education, and outreach programs. Each giving level has specific benefits.
Patron ($5,000)
By donating $5,000 or more to the BRI Stewardship Program, you join the most prestigious group of supporters for our Institute and provide sustain revenues for critical projects and operations. By enrolling as a Patron in BRI Stewardship Program, you also have the opportunity to direct up to $1,000 of your BRI Stewardship Program renewal to a research program of your choice including:
Desert Big Game (mule deer, pronghorn, bighorn sheep)
Desert Quail (scaled, Gambel’s, Montezuma)
Carnivores/Nongame (mountain lion, black bear, songbirds)
Rangeland/Habitat (restoration, native seed, prescribed fire)
- Desert Big Game (mule deer, pronghorn, bighorn sheep)
- Desert Quail (scaled, Gambel’s, Montezuma)
- Carnivores/Nongame (mountain lion, black bear, songbirds)
- Rangeland/Habitat (restoration, native seed, prescribed fire)
Friend ($1,000)
Donors may also enroll in the BRI Stewardship Program as a Friend, thus allowing the Institute consistent and dependable revenue for general operations.
By giving to our endowment fund, your gift will continue to generate income for the Borderlands Research Institute in perpetuity. Endowments are managed at no charge by the Sul Ross State University Support Foundation, a 501(c)3, and the interest generated from the endowments are given back to the Institute to support its programs.
Endowments for Centers, Chairs, Professorships, Fellowships, Lectureships, and Research Funds are needed to help expand and sustain the Wildlife Ecology and Management, Rangeland Management and Restoration, and Conservation Biology programs in perpetuity.
Naming Opportunities
Naming opportunities also exist for endowments at the following levels for any program listed below at the following levels:
- Research Centers: $2,500,000
- Chair: $1,000,000
- Professorship: $600,000
- Fellowship: $400,000
- Endowed Lectureship: $100,000
- Endowed Research Funds: $50,000
Contact us directly to contribute to the Endowment Fund for the Borderlands Research Institute.
Phone: 432.837.8225
Wildlife Ecology and Management
- Desert Big Game (Mule Deer, Bighorn Sheep, Pronghorn)
- Desert Quail
- Migratory Birds
Rangeland Management and Restoration
- Rangeland Restoration
- Habitat Management
- Water Conservation
Conservation Biology
- Predator-Prey Dynamics
- Transboundary Conservation
- Songbirds
Including the Borderlands Research Institute in your will or estate plan is a wonderful way to ensure your legacy continues to help our conservation efforts. There are a variety of planned giving options that you may want to consider including:
- Designating the Borderlands Research Institute in your life insurance policies,
- Providing a gift of an income stream with your investment portfolio,
- Including the BRI in your will or living trust, or
- Gifting of retirement benefits.
Contact Us
Please consult your financial advisors or contact us directly on how we might facilitate your planned giving to the Borderlands Research Institute.
Phone: 432.837.8225