Visiting Professor and Grazing Specialist
Borderlands Research Institute
Sul Ross State University
PO Box C-21
Alpine, TX, 79832
Centennial 104A
Office phone: (432) 837-8828
Email: eduardo.gonzalez-valenzuela@sulross.edu
Dr. Eduardo A. Gonzalez-Valenzuela
Dr. E.A. Gonzalez was born in Chihuahua, Mexico. He has a BS in Animal Science and MS in Rangeland Ecology and Management from the Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua. He earned his PhD from Texas A&M University.
Dr. Gonzalez worked for 30 years as a researcher in the program of Forages and Rangelands at the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agricolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP). He was Chair of the Aldama Experimental Station, and was National Leader of Forages and Rangelands, assisting with various technology transfer activities with ranchers at Cattlemen’s Days, workshops, and short courses focused on sustainable management of beef cattle and grazing lands. After his retirement he served six years as a professor with the Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas teaching Natural Resources Management, Rangelands and Forages. From 2019 to the spring of 2024, he was an Assistant Professor with Texas A&M University-Kingsville, teaching Grazing Management, Rangeland Improvements, Range and Wildlife Principles, and Rangeland Plants.
He has a strong interest in outreach programs with West Texas landowners focused on grazing strategies and sustainable range management, as well as teaching natural resources and ranching management to new generations.
Selected Publications
González V. E.A y C. W. Hanselka. 2002. Ecología y Manejo de Matorrales. INIFAP-Texas A&M University. Cd. Victoria, Tamps. 151 p.
Book chapters
González V. E.A., C.W. Hanselka, J.M. Avila-C., J.A Ortega, R. López-Z., J. Salinas-Ch. y M.A. Domínguez. 2016. Manejo Estratégico de Bovinos Productores de Carne en Pastoreo en el Norte de México en Condiciones de Sequía. p 75-92. En: J. Salinas-Chavira (Editor) Estrategias para optimizar la producción de Bovinos y Ovinos. UAT, La Generación del Conocimiento con Valores. Editorial Colofón, ciudad de México.
González V. E.A., R. Lopez-S, J. Salinas-Ch., J. Zertuche. 2018. Guía de prioridades para el manejo integral y sustentable de empresas ganaderas de bovinos de carne en pastoreo. En: J. Salinas-Chavira, E.A. Gonzalez, E.A. Lopez (Editors). Temas Diciplinares en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Editorial Colofón, ciudad de México. p. 107-118.
Villalobos G. J.C., E.A. González V. Y J.A. Ortega S. 2000. Técnicas para estimar la degradación de proteína y materia orgánica en el rumen y su importancia en rumiantes en pastoreo. Tec. Pec. Méx. Vol 38 (2):119-134
González, V.E A, M.H. Hussey y J.A. Ortega S. 2005. Nutritive Value of Desmanthus Associated with Kleingrass During the establishment Year. Rangeland Ecology and Manage. 58 (3): 308-314.
Ortega-S, JA., F. Ibarra-F., A. Melgoza, E.A. González-V., M. Martín-R., J. M. Ávila-C., F. Ayala-A., C. Pinedo y O. Rivero. 2013. Exotic Grasses and Wildlife in Norther Mexico. Wildlife Soc. Bull. 37(3):537-545.