Carlos E. Gonzalez, PhD
Nau Endowed Professor in Habitat Research and Management and Associate Director of Research
Borderlands Research Institute
Sul Ross State University
PO Box C-21
Alpine, TX 79832
RAS 114
Office phone: (432) 837-8632
Email: carlos.gonzalez-gonzalez@sulross.edu
Research Specialties
Big Game Ecology and Management

Wildlife Interactions with Habitat

GPS-collar Tracking and Telemetry

Dr. Carlos “Lalo” Gonzalez is the Nau Endowed Professor of Habitat Research and Management at Borderlands Research Institute and Associate Director of Research and is an Assistant Professor in the Natural Resource Management Department at Sul Ross State University.
He was born and raised in Northern Mexico where his family heritage kept him in contact with ranching activities from a young age. Prior to his position with BRI, he graduated in 2011 with a BS in Wildlife and Range Management from Texas A&M-Kingsville. During his undergraduate career, Lalo was employed by the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute as a research technician, primarily focused in white-tailed deer and habitat interactions. In 2015 he earned his MS degree from Sul Ross State University in Natural Resource Management. The focus of his thesis research was the survival and nesting ecology of scaled quail in the Chihuahuan Desert. After receiving his MS he worked on his PhD in Wildlife and Fisheries Science from Texas A&M University. During this time he focused his dissertation on bighorn sheep restoration in Texas, specifically studying survival, population dynamics, and habitat use and distribution. Lalo is only the second student from Sul Ross State University – Natural Resource Management Department to partake in a cooperative doctoral program with Texas A&M University. During his studies with the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute, he assisted with ecological monitoring of military lands in the Chihuahuan Desert, conducting baseline biological surveys and ensuring compliance with environmental policies. He has a broad interest in population dynamics modeling, spatial/landscape ecology, and rangeland ecology and management.
Research Specialties
Big Game Ecology and Management
Wildlife Interactions with Habitat
GPS-collar Tracking and Telemetry
Selected Publications
Gonzalez Gonzalez, Carlos E. 2018. Desert bighorn sheep restoration in Texas: Survival, population dynamics, and habitat. Dissertation. Texas A&M University.
Gonzalez Gonzalez, Carlos E., L. A. Harveson, and R. S. Luna. 2017. Survival and Nesting Ecology of Scaled Quail in the Trans-Pecos, Texas. National Quail Symposium Proceedings: Vol. 8 , Article 100.
Gonzalez Gonzalez, Carlos E., F. Ayala-A., J. A. Ortega-S, W. P. Kuvlesky, Jr., and R. D. Hanagriff . 2010. Chemical Control of Wolfweed in South Texas. The Texas Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resource 24:32-37.