Brian Miculka, BS
Native Seed Production Associate
Borderlands Research Institute
Sul Ross State University
PO Box C-21
Alpine, TX 79832
Centennial 113
Office phone: (979) 578-1248
Email: brian.miculka@sulross.edu
Brian is the Plant Materials Technician for Borderlands Research Institute’s West Texas Native Seeds program (WTNS). This program provides native seeds for the restoration of wildlife habitat and rangelands across West Texas. Seed sources are identified and collected throughout the region. The seeds from collected plants are then grown and evaluated through numerous criteria to find which seed sources are likely to provide robust and prolific plants. These seed sources are then released to commercial seed growers to make locally adapted native seeds available to consumers in large quantities at reasonable prices.
Brian received bachelors degrees in Health Care Sciences from UTHSCSA and in Wildlife & Fisheries Science from Texas A&M. His work background is in natural resource management and conservation planning.
Research Specialties
Plant Community and Rangeland Ecology
Ecology and Managment of Large Mammals
Outreach and Extension